Next Monthly Meeting:

LDAS Monthly Meeting – The Case for Dark Matter – Dr Matt Bothwell (Hon Pres) – Standalone Farm

31 July @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Standalone Farm, Letchworth

Dr Matt Bothwell our honorary president will be giving us his talk ‘The Case for Dark Matter’. Over the past 50 years, astronomers have become increasingly certain that most of the Universe is made up of a mysterious invisible substance that we do not properly understand. This stuff — known … Continue reading

Welcome !


Meetings have resumed at Standalone Farm , keep your eye on the website for forthcoming events.

Whatever the level of your interest in astronomy, welcome to Letchworth & District Astronomical Society.

LDAS is based in Letchworth, in Hertfordshire. We are a thriving society and have over a hundred members. We have people who are just beginners right through to observers with decades of experience. We have an observatory at Standalone Farm in Letchworth, and quite a few members have their own observatories too. We love to see new people come along, whatever their level of knowledge, and all are made most welcome. We hold regular meetings, star parties and other events for members and the public alike.

We can provide advice on telescopes, eyepieces, cameras or anything else you might need to satisfy your interest, just come along and ask.

We are also more than happy to present talks to clubs, schools and other organisations, and for them to visit our observatory. Talks and visits are free although donations to the society are gratefully accepted.

We invite everyone to join in our events, whenever and wherever they happen! You can attend one monthly meeting and one virtual observing session free of charge to see what you think. If you enjoy them we would encourage you to join the society.

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